Thursday, January 1

It Will Be The Summer of Krusty in 2009

New Years Resolutions

1. I resolve to never tell my mother that she is wrong. She really is right all the time.

2. I resolve to have a conversation with my father each week that involves more than "How are you?".

3. I resolve to call my little brother more. He is so wise beyond his years and I learn from him.

4. I resolve to make people laugh more.

5. I resolve to restore my confidence in love.

6. I resolve to take Emily to the vet on time, every time. Its so hard to feed her those pills.

7. I resolve to stick to my monthly dining out budget. Sorry Sushi Rock.

8. I resolve to continue to be debt free. Its a means to an end, no matter how good a weekly mani/pedi sounds.

9. I resolve to having a "Summer of Krusty" in 2009.

10. I resolve to finding a place I can call home, that feels like Ive come home.

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