Thursday, January 29

Is It Drafty In Here?

A junior in high school, she felt she had the world by the tail! She had transferred from an all girls Catholic school to the local public school. It was fall. She was able to join the volleyball team even though she transferred after the school year had begun. She liked the Catholic school, but didn’t get along with the girls. She liked to be around guys, not for the attention, but the comradery. Boys weren’t as fussy as girls, and although her looks were girlie, her personality was tomboy through and through.

When she transferred from the Catholic school to the public school, she learned what it meant to have a wardrobe. Up and to that point, she wore a school uniform from K-10th grade and on the weekends, it was jeans and a tshirt. She entered the school seeing that all the girls were so glamorous in their fancy clothes and fancy shoes. And so many layers. She loved it and embrace it!

On this specific day she choose black opaque tights, a one piece red checkered skirt jumpsuit and black boots. Under the jumper she wore a black long sleeved tshirt…she wasn’t going to surrender that quick. It was an edgy look. The jumper held the Catholic school girl look, but her boots were daring.
When she transferred, she got lots of attention. From boys, from girls, from teachers. She received an immediate respect because she came from a reputable school, with a competitive sporting club, and she was an A student.

She was not the kind of girl who stuck with one crowd. She had one good girlfriend, and moved in and out of different types of crowds. She craved the chase of something new, something different. Anything non ordinary was exceptional and interesting. She was motivated by the unknown.

For lunch breaks, she would take herself home. She liked the freedom of being able to leave school, they would NEVER allow it at the Catholic school, and she liked that she could come home and primp midday. She drove a 1982 Ford Ranger. A hand me down from her older brother. She loved that car because when she drove it, she would accelerate real fast, release the gas just before fourth gear, and the car would backfire. It always made people laugh and her too.

On this day, she finished her physics class, and went home for lunch period. She did her usual primping. Hair..check. Eye makeup…check. Lip gloss…check. Potty break…check. Once she finished, she slipped back on her boots, grabbed her bag, and jumped into her truck.

She drove back to the school and parked her car in the large parking lot. She hated her parking spot. It was so far out because she transferred after school started, and the walk to the building took forever. It at least took 10 minutes away from her lunch break. Damn, she thought.

She walked into the school, through Freshman Hall, through Sophomore Hall, through Junior Hall. Just as she reached Senior Hall the bell sounded. Classes began to filter into the main throughputs. She remembers a group of freshman boys walking behind her, giggling. She turned around and smiled at them. Young silly boys, she thought to herself. After walking a few more steps, her friend Anne darted across the hallway!

“A! Come here!” Anne shouted.

“What?” A responded. “I have to get to class.”

“Seriously, come here.” Anne now loudly whispered as she had made up ground to catch up to A.

“What!” “Whats wrong?” A inquired

“The back of your skirt is tucked into your tights and you can see your ass!” Anne apologetically said as she reached around behind A and pulled the skirt down around her bottom.

“Oh my god” A said. “I didn’t wear any underwear today” A explained.

“Yes, we know.” Anne responded

Now you know why A was so particular in putting on her morning undergarments in college.


Cocaine Princess said...

This was a really good read Audrey.

Audrey said...

thank you princess