Friday, February 27

Are You Ever Really Afraid?

So, have you ever really been afraid of something? I remember when I first moved into my home....I was used to living alone. There is only one time in my life that I lived with someone, and that certainly wasn't under circumstances of being roommates, it was more like, help me please.

Anyways, I have always been a bit introverted. I like my personal space, and needs lots of personal down time to recoup and recover from a busy day. A lot of noise overwhelms me. Babysitting my niece and nephew when they were babies just downright exhausted me.

I love my home because its my personal retreat. My place to recharge and get ready to face another day.

But, there are times, when living alone, in a home that doesn't offer the typical securities of a high rise building, can be downright frightening. Tonight is one of those nights.

I should be sleeping soundly in my bed, but rather, a storm is coming in. We are in the 50's so its a cold front for sure, bound to bring snow and the wind is whipping.

My master bedroom is on the southwest corner of the home. Weather here in Ohio moves in from the West and North of course from the Lake.

This southwest corner of my home takes a beating when its windy, and coincidentally, I was the genius who thought the forest lot situated directly behind me would be a beautiful serene view and offer privacy; which it does, but it also offers me the fear of god when its windy.

Branches fall and hit the windows and the side and back of the house.

There is this one tree situated just outside my master bedroom, that is dying and breaking apart. Three failed written attempts to the HOA to have it taken down and I'll be writing my fourth letter tomorrow.

It is nights like these, when I am genuinely scared. When the wind kicks my stomach drops, and I will lay here in my bed as long as I can take it, until I surrender to the wind and take refuge in the front bedroom which is on the opposite side of the house from where the wind does not come. The bed is not as comfortable and I will not sleep as sound.

Emily will saunter in and follow after me. Feeling inconvenienced that I moved because she is snuggled here beside me, warm and asleep.

For it is nights like these, that I do wish I had the feeling of safety lying beside me.

Gentleman, the single most beautiful gift you can give your special someone is the feeling of safety. Take good care of the woman in your life, and let her know that no matter what, she will always be safe with you.

Alright, got to go now. That front room is calling my name.


Cocaine Princess said...

I live in a really safe, quiet neighborhood but I sometimes find myself putting the alarm on during the daytime especially if I'm alone in the house. I won't even go down in the basement until my sister comes home. I can't even sleep in complete darkness unless I can see the hallway light peering under the doorway.

Anonymous said...

A little off topic, but I am scared of dying. And to be more specific, I am scared of dying young. It's too long to post without boring people, but I am absolutely scared of the unknown.

OK, more specifically related to your post, nobody likes the noises and darkness at night. In my case, I hear something and I automatically think someone is in the house and I worry about my wife and daughter's safety, so I always go to check it out with my handy-dandy golf club!!!

Audrey said...

CP I hate to admit, but I didnt have the guts to purchase a home with a basement. I would have prefered an old Colonial along Lake Erie, but I was afraid of living alone and encountering souls that had not passed.

CC - Your wife and daughter and lucky to have your protection.
Ill look for you on the golf course. When I see a bent golf club, Ill know its you.