Monday, June 15

Thank You For The Reminder That I Am

There are times in life when you feel like the people that surround you understand you.

There are times in life when you feel like the people that surround you misunderstand you.

There are times in life when you meet a complete stranger and have an instant connection.

There are times in life when you spend years talking with someone but never really get to know them.

There are times in life when you feel as if you finally have things figured out.

There are times in life when you realize you have not even begun to scratch the surface of the complexity of life.

There are times in life when you feel like the end of something is near.

There are times in life when you feel like that day is the first day of the rest of your life.

There are times in life when you are your best.
There are times in life when you are your worst.

There are times in life when you have demonstrated character traits that you want to be remembered for.
There are times in life when you have demonstrated character traits that you hope someone doesn’t remember.

I want to send a special thanks to someone who has recently reminded me that no matter who I am…no matter how rich or poor, how fat or thin, how pretty or ugly, how wrong or right…that what really matters is how I treat people and the impact I have on other’s lives.

1 comment:

The Constant Complainer said...

This was a very lovely post. I hope your special someone saw it.