This show is hilarious beyond any comprehension. Women with lots of money; some self made, some marriage made, some old money; and women with lots of time equals a whole lot of drama.
What I like most about this show however, is not the drama, but the fashion including make-up, jewelry, clothing and accessories. I especially took a liking to Bethenny who is single, successful, and desperately trying to find Mr. Right.
This show is like a reality “Sex In the City”; perhaps giving those of us who are single a bit more hope than our old HBO show, because its real life, not fiction.
Outside of being inspired as to how best start rebuilding my wardrobe, I have been motivated by the power of these women. Not power in the sense of influencing others, but power in the sense of themselves.
There is not one single thing a woman who believes in herself can not accomplish.
Audrey, admittedly, I have not seen the NY Housewives show, but I have heard that is is good.
However, I feel that I owe you and every other single lady in Cleveland a good "You Go Girl" in the spirit of your post.
I hope you had a great weekend.
I haven't seen the show either but I know it's quite popular.
I really like your last sentence. It's so true.
Belief is a state of mind and with it you can accomplish anything.
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