Tuesday, May 12

My Conservative Filled Weekend

My weekend began with a 12 hour course for a conceal carry weapon permit. Although I had been thinking about taking this class, for no other than security reasons, I knew I would never take it unless my “American Dad” brother tagged along. You see, its not that I am intimidated by a class of men who drive pick up trucks with NRA stickers all about the window on the back of the cab, it’s that I was afraid that one of them might really annoy me and I’d shoot them. Can I trust myself with a gun?

Deciding to have a gun within reach at any given moment in which you feel your life might be in danger comes with a boatload of responsibility. I mean, you don’t want to go and shoot anyone for just no good reason, and you definitely do not want to shoot anyone in the back. Not to mention you have to take careful precautions that your weapon is not stolen. You see, that would be my luck, the gun is stolen and used in the robbery of a gas station and the attendant shot and killed. Thankfully, however, they got away with beef jerky and cheese puffs so it was worth it. I intend to collect my reward.

Aside from being in a class with 25 men, all of whom sported moustaches and 1 other woman who also sported a moustache, the room stunk and the instructor was from the NRA. I knew my day was going to be rocking!

The woman and man, who hosted the event in the wooded cabin, were likely the kind that kept shotguns above their fireplace. And this wasn’t to keep the gun warm in the winter; they really just believed that the gun looked nice over the fireplace. This decoration much better than family photos or a painting. But I will have to say, they did make a mean bad ass chili dog. I just wish I had a Bud Light too.

We started at 7am and were firing our guns by 9am. I was a bit skeptical of those around me.
You see, the 2 hours of instructional were not enough for me to feel safe around the others who sported large revolvers or semi automatics.

We shot from 20 feet away; our targets were 9 inch paper plates. I shot 50 rounds from a 40 caliber glock, and hit the plate 42 times. My nickname for the class was “Blondie” and I was invited to the front of the class several times to do demonstrations. The instructor was nice enough, but he tried to trick me and even tried to intimidate me once.

After our class on Saturday, I found myself watching, “Rendition”. This is a fantastic movie about the capture of an Egyptian traveling business man who is charged with being involved in the attempted murder of a well known interrogator and torturer in North Africa. The attempted murder conducted Jihad style by a young man sacrificing his body, the young man coincidentally linked to the interrogators daughter, an act of revenge as the interrogator killed the young man’s brother. The movie was the kind of movie that keeps you on the edge of your seat, and the CIA leadership was relentless in holding the man traveling responsible, but not because there was any solid evidence, but rather because the needed to assure the people from a foreign affairs perspective that the offender had been captured.

Sunday, I started my morning with, “Meet the Press” and found David Gregory and a handful of conservative analyst, give their opinion and feedback on the interviews of the President of Afghanistan and the President of Pakistan. I don’t dare type their names as I am certain the Federal spyware will catch their names on my blog and I will be shipped to Afghanistan to be held prisoner, beaten, possibly beheaded.

I have decided to obtain the permit for the CCW license. What I intend to do is to be sure I can protect myself in the event I am put in a situation that I am unable to deal with, without the threat of death to someone. I hope that I am never put into this position, but if I am, I will shoot and I will hit my target.


Sean said...

It's a really good step that if you are going to own a gun that you are getting some proper training on it. I've found that being nervous around one and not having any idea what you are doing makes gun ownership WAY more dangerous then it should be.

I'm still trying to get Jess to accompany to the range one of these days so she can get more comfortable around my 12 gauge in the case (god forbid) that she ever needs it, but we're still working on that one.

The Constant Complainer said...

A buddy of mine was just telling me the same thing, and he ended up filing for a permit and taking the class (in whatever order that should have been). He did it for protection only. That's understandable. You're going to be a bad a*s gun holder Audrey. That's awesome.

Me, on the other hand... The last time I shot a muzzule loader, it backfired and I needed six stitches above my eye after being hit by the scope. LOL. OUCH.

Audrey said...

Sean - I can see why guns are intimidating because they are powerful! Jess probably appreciates the fact that you'll be there to save her. :)

CC - Oh my goodness, I am so glad it was not your eye. So how many times have your friends said, "You'll shoot your eye out kid!". You don't happen to have a pair of pajamas that look like a bunny do you?

The Constant Complainer said...

I was just stopping by to see how my gun toting (sp?) friend was doing. Hehe.

I just read your comment. LOL. No Ralphie pj's at my house...