Tuesday, May 19

A Phillips Head Screwdriver, An Allen Wrench and a Masonry 5/16 Drill Bit

I was put on a mission. Go to Home Depot, and buy a drill bit. The American flag and flag pole had been bought and was ready for installation.

The conversation about where to put the flag (front porch / flanking garage left / flanking garage right) was useless. It began with, "Where do you want to hang this flag?" and ended with, "Do you really want to hang the flag there?". I am not sure why he asks where I think it should be hung, he is going to put it where he wants it anyways?

The instructions were specific masonry drill bit, 5/16 inch. The type of drill bit that could drill a hole into my brick home. The thought of this makes me cringe, but I felt a bit of relief while driving through my neighborhood and realizing that almost everyone had a flag pole holder installed just flanking their garage. Some drilled into beautiful stone, lessening my fear of drilling into the beautiful red brick.

My mom and I drove up to Home Depot, a store that is filled with testosterone and manly eye candy. "Why don't I visit here more often," I thought to myself...as I happily looked about at the handsome rugged tan men. The outdoor furniture positioned just at the front entrance. "Clever location", I think to myself as I pass it.

When you walk into a department store, you often see the husbands or boyfriends sitting in the chairs just outside the ladies fitting rooms, or leaning against the counter of the cash register area, waiting in pain and agony as their female counterpart shops for clothes. But at Home Depot, its the ladies that sit and wait for their men, and they sit on that outdoor furniture just at the front entrance, sitting pretty and enjoying the view. Nice how that works out for us ladies.

After we found the section where all the drill bits were located (how about my mom knew where they were!) we walked up to a wall, at least 18 feet in length covered in drill bits. I had no idea where to begin. When I walk into Marshall's or TJ Maxx, I can spot a pair of 7 for All Mankind jeans 500 feet away. But a masonry 5/16 inch drill bit just wasn't jumping out at me. I didn't even attempt.

In walks a middle aged man, who obviously knows his stuff. He walks over to the area, goes directly to the wall, and pulls down a drill bit and is about to make his merry way out.

I look at him and smile.

He tilts his head down, looks over his reading glasses, and says, "You having trouble?"

I respond, "Well, to say I was having trouble would mean I actually tried to look and find this thing. But I haven't".

He laughs and removes his reading glasses, putting his right thumb and forefinger to his chin, "What are you looking for?" He asks.

"I am looking for a masonry 5/16 drill bit." I respond.

He walks to the wall, pulls one down, and then says, "Wait, this other one might be a buck or two cheaper." And grabs the cheaper one.

"See how easy that is for you guys. I never could have found this thing." I tell him. "Thank you. You saved me about 45 minutes or arguing by ensuring I have the right drill bit."

He smiles and says, "No problem. Now you get out of here at don't be spending anymore money!"

A trip to Home Depot for a masonry drill bit $4.67
A good old boy reminding me not to spend too much money - priceless


Steven said...

The ways of the world....women know their jeans and shoes....men know their drill bits. You will learn alot from your brother. You will be glad too!! Nothing is wrong with a woman being knowledgable about hardware......NOT that kind of hardware!! ; )

The Constant Complainer said...

I'm surprised you had such a good experience at Home Depot. LOL. Normally I meet the 18-year-old kid who is working in paint but has no knowledge of anything having to do with home improvements. LOL So I lived through your eyes with the good experience there!

Cocaine Princess said...

You know what I notice at the mall. There is an area of sofas and comfortable chairs for shoppers to sit. And always it's a bunch of guys holding their wives or girlfriends shopping bags. When I look at their faces they honestly look like they have lost the will to live.