Wednesday, January 28

Strip Tease - Well Almost

She was a freshman in college. Attending a small liberal arts school, she was startled by the social pressure. A Catholic upbringing and schooling, she realized she had been protected from the world.

She chose not to rush. Hundreds of girls all competing for each other’s attention. Trying to pigeon hole themselves into a sorority that would define their personality, their character. She thought it was absolutely ludicrous. Besides, she grew up with two brothers, no sisters and one good girlfriend. She didn’t get girls.

She passed. Drowned herself in studies, Psychology. She attracted the intellectual type. Not the jocks, not the potheads, not the rockers, not the dorks.

As a result, she had more guy friends than girlfriends, surprise, surprise and spent much of her time in the basement of a mansion of a fraternity. The space was grand. Five separate rooms, a full bar, and a cubby in the corner that had a killer sound system, and a plethora of cd’s.

She came to know the boys very well. They were like brothers to her.

“Why aren’t you dating?” “What do you like?” they would ask

“I don’t know yet” she responded. “I’m figuring it out”

Her sense of style was simple. She wore worn jeans, t-shirts, Vans, little jewelry, too much eye makeup and had naked lips. The only thing she thought about when getting dressed in the morning, was her undergarments. Her panties and bra always matched, and were usually black.

One Friday evening, she celebrated the end of a week of classes and she normally did. A 40 ounce of Old E (which she could never finish or even get to half of) and a water bong. No more, no less.

The evening felt different. The guys were hanging out, but everyone was good, happy. No drama, no broken hearts…the mood was free. It was a good night, we were not having any house parties, and it was just the group us. My friend Colleen came over. We hung out, hunkered down in that little cubby, blasted Madonna, sipped our 40’s and smoked, and smoked, and smoked.

Madonna’s "Justify My Love came on. She jumped up.

“I love this song” she exclaimed

“Why?” Colleen asked

“Because it’s sexy and passionate and sultry” she said

“I need to dance” she demanded

“Then dance…be free” Colleen said.

She dimmed the lights, grabbed a chair, and placed it in the center of the room. Her body and soul and mind absorbed the beat of the song. She placed herself on the chair, slipped off her Vans, her jeans, the t-shirt and untied her hair...and she danced.

“I’m free” she whispered to herself.


South Florida Lawyers said...

Very interesting -- I like your confessional writing style.

Cocaine Princess said...

Justify My Love is one of my favorite songs and videos by Madonna.

Audrey said...

What did you think of her "Confessions" album?

Audrey said...

SFL...thank you. Ive come to enjoy the writing.
I like the humor on your blog. The content is foreign to me, but the playfullness I like.

Cocaine Princess said...

Audrey I love her Confessions album. Each song follows one right after the other, like one long song.