Monday, January 12

On The Menu

1 cup orange juice
1 cup green tea
1 cup coffee
Vitamin D
Fish Oil
Multi Vitamin
Baby Asprin

I need to start eating breakfast to jump start my metabolism but I cant muster the appetite. Got to work on this to keep my body efficient.

4 oz salmon
1 cup asparagus
1/4 cup wild rice
all tossed in a low sodium chix broth and white wine satueed in shallots, capers and spiced with dill
(Wish I could have a glass of Chardonnay with this lunch. It would pair nicely.)

string cheese
handful of raw almonds

3 chicken tender breasts satueed with green onion, mushrooms, carrots and garlic and chix broth
romaine lettuce salad tossed in eeoo, red wine vinegar, splash of sweet pickle juice and dash of italian seasonings (this is a family favorite and from my aunts mother)
wild rice

bowl of shredded wheat with soy milk
WorkOut today: Cardio and Ab Ripper

On a side note, because I am a natural born sleeper, it is a most rare occurence in which something will motivate me out of my comfy bed before dawn.

These include:

A) A fire in my home OR
B) Ive been up all night having insane wild physical sex and I need to hydrate (ok so this only happened with one relationship in my life but I can pretend like its a common occurence)...anything else can wait.

Last night, at 2am I woke up so unbelievably hungry I cheated and had a bowl of fruit loops. Yes, processed sugar, coloring...the worst kind of slip up.

Turns out I forgot to raid my cereal cabient when feng shuing my kitchen of all the evil that likes to take residence in my belly, hips or ass.

After the bowl, I threw the box in the garbage can.
On a positive note, I drank it with soy milk. Yes, Rump, I know...but its organic soy. And my endocrinologist agrees with your opinion (ok I took it as my opinion) of processed soy, but prefers me to stay on the organic soy to keep my estrogen levels up. Breasts are still sore.


ANG* said...

yes you HAVE to eat breakfast. i cant remember the last time i didnt. its been years...

Audrey said...

Ang, have any tips on a good breakfast? I dont find breakfast appealing. What do you have?