Thursday, April 30

The Case Of The Disappearing Liquids

At work, we have a mystery and a case to crack. Small bottles of liquids continue to disappear. Here is the laundry list so far of what has vanished into thin air:

One bottle of eyeglass cleaner
Three bottles of hand lotion
Two bottles of aerosol spray
Infinite bottles of h2o
One bottle of electronics cleaner
Four bottles of alcohol
Two bottles of compressed air

The obvious suspect would be the evening crew who cleans our space. But since we live in a democracy, and you are innocent until proven guilty, we would be committing a crime to say that we know who the offender is without good evidence. Suspect and coincidence is not enough.

Some think we should report it to the management. I say lets make it known publicly that we have an issue, and give the person the opportunity to return the things or replace them, no questions asked. If nothing becomes of that, lets see if it stops. If then it continues, lets pass the investigative work onto the authorities. And of course, I would have to set up bait since some of these things that are disappearing are things that I have brought into the office. I take offense to their actions.

To that point, I will say that although these things do not have significant monetary value, its more of a nuisance than anything.

For instance, I’ve smudged my glasses and reach for my eyeglass cleaner spray and its not there. My hands feel dry, and the nicely scented cherry blossom lotion I purchased is no where to be found. And finally, I really do not want to smell the men in my hallway after they have used the bathroom. I love it when someone walks around spraying hairspray or body spray in a dramatic fashion, obviously sending a message to the hallway shitter to at least give some effort. Maybe try closing the door after you’ve done your business…all the way please!

If it doesn’t stop after plenty of fair warning, I will for sure plant a hand lotion bottle that will be a concoction of my own, mixing plain non-scented lotion and vinegar. A scent sure to delight only the twisted. Maybe when they steal that and use it on their hands they will realize that things are not always what they seem.

As for the offender sticking to bottles and liquids, these products would look inconspicuous on a cleaning cart….hmmmm…..


Cocaine Princess said...

You are quite the detective Mother Goose.

Steven said...

LOL!!! Inspector Gadget......

Your too much! We have klepto's in my office too. From silly stuff to cameras have been stolen. Its a shame.

Too bad you don't work in my office....I make it smell good! LOL